What to pack for a Safari?

  • by Jana Meyer
  • 24 Jun, 2019

If you are heading to our Amazing Africa, you will surely go on a Game Drive or Safari. And if not, let us know, we will manage it for you ;)

Make sure you take the following with you:

A camera or your smartphone: If you miss out on a good camera, you will regret it. A good camera is essential to capture amazing sightings and to show your safari experience to your family and friends back home. If you are going on game drives and safaris more often, we recommend investing in a good camera either with a telephoto lens to capture sightings even more far away or with a good zoom function. 

This equipped the Big Five can come :) 

A jacket: Morning and afternoon drives can get quite chilly, so it is best to carry a jacket. A tip is to layer your clothing, that way it is easier to peel off the clothes when it gets warmer. During Winter we recommend bringing a real winter jacket and a beanie for the morning Game Drives. When the sun has not risen yet, it's can be really chilly.  Other important items include comfortable walking shoes, and a raincoat for those unexpected wet weather conditions. 

Sunscreen: Sunscreen is very important to carry, especially in summer. Apply some before and if necessary during the game drive, especially in an open vehicle. Do not underestimate the sun – you will thank us later ;) 

A hat or cap: especially during the summer to cover for bad sunburn.

A good book: If you have booked to stay in a game reserve – what we totally recommend – there’s a high chance that the reserve offers grand views and an amazing pool area. Whether it's at the communal area, your room private terrace (maybe with your own private pool) or in one of the lounges. A good book, in between those game drives, is the perfect escape. Combine it with a nice hot coffee or refreshing drink. The best way to relax :)

Prepared like this, you are ready for your amazing wildlife experience :) 

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