The Code (short for “The Code of Conduct for the Protection of Children from Sexual Exploitation in Travel and Tourism”) is a multi-stakeholder initiative with the mission to provide awareness, tools and support to the tourism industry to prevent the sexual exploitation of children.

The sexual exploitation of children in travel and tourism encompasses a broad spectrum of exploitation of children; including in prostitution and pornography; for the production of online child abuse material; and in the sale and trafficking of children in all its forms. It is our affair of the heart to support this organization. 

Establish a policy and procedures

against the sexual exploitation of children

Train employees

in children's rights, the prevention of sexual exploitation and how to report suspected cases

Include a clause in contracts

through the value chain stating a common repudiation and zero tolerance policy of sexual exploitation of children

Provide information to travellers

on children's rights, the prevention of sexual exploitation of children and how to report suspected cases

Support, collaborate & engage stakeholders

in the prevention of sexual exploitation of children

Report anually

on implementation of the six criteria

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